Register with Metal Suppliers Online
In our initial registration, well ask for your basic company information. Note: All of your registration data is protected under our Privacy Policy.
Click here to register now and to return here when done.
Go to the Metal Suppliers Online Exchange
Under the "Buy" tab on the website youll see MSO exchange. Click on MSO Exchange. This will bring you to mso exchange - select a family. From here follow the three steps to choose a metal family, grade and form to search for the product that you require. Well show you every supplier that produces or stocks that material, PLUS, anyone that has excess inventory.
Select Suppliers
At "MSO exchange - RFQ information" fill in the information
required to create an RFQ and submit it by "clicking" the
"next" button. This is the information on which suppliers
will base their quotes. Be as specific as possible. All
required fields are noted in Red.
Define your Exchange Item/Request for Quote
At "MSO exchange - RFQ information" fill in the information required to
create an RFQ and submit it by "clicking" the "next" button.
This is the information on which suppliers will base their quotes.
Be as specific as possible. All required fields are noted in red.
Provide Shipping Instructions
At mso exchange - shipping information you can either use an
existing shipping location, from information you have previously
entered, or create a new shipping location. MSO helps buyers
arrange shipping for purchased materials. We send RFQ's to
several approved online freight providers to obtain the most
competitive pricing. Click the "next" button on the bottom of
the page to continue.
Confirm Exchange Information
At "mso exchange - confirm order" you can review the RFQ
information and edit it if you need to do so. Click the
"edit" button on any of the gray bars to adjust the
information below.
Click the "submit" button to make the Request for Quote active.
What happens once your Exchange Item is approved
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Well send an email AND fax to the suppliers you selected, inviting
them to bid on your RFQ. Suppliers will come to the Metal Suppliers
Online and offer up their best price & delivery. Suppliers can also
re-bid at any time up to the Bid Closing Time, effectively driving
the very best values in the business!
Review bids placed on your Exchange Item
Go to "my buying" under the " buy" tab. At my buying-view activity you will have the
opportunity to view open RFQs, Pending RFQs, Pending Excess
Inventory Purchases and Excess Sales History.
Purchasing an Item
At "my buying review bids" view specific bids on your
open RFQs click the "gavel" icon in the table row that
corresponds to a particular RFQ. You will then forward
to a page with that RFQ and the bids for that specific
RFQ. Click on the "magnifying glass" icon to view details
of the bid.
If you would like to purchase the item, using this bid,
click the "buy" button at the bottom of the page.
Paying for an item
At "my buying payment methods" you may pay for your item
by a variety of ways. Choose how you would like to pay for
your purchase.
Select a shipping option
At "my buying shipping options" you may either select
from a list of bids for shipping or arrange your own
shipping method.
Review your order
At "my buying review your order", check your order
thoroughly. If you need to change any of the information,
click the corresponding "edit" button in the gray heading bar. If all information is accurate, click the "buy" button at the bottom of the page. One of our Metal Market Makers will contact you to confirm the order.